Estrella – Case Study

Various Cities, May 2019

Who – Estrella Damm

Estrella Dammare the oldest and most recognisable beer brand in Spain, founded in Barcelona in 1876. Their annual TV campaign is considered to be the Spanish equivalent to the Christmas John Lewis TV advert in the UK, with the colourful branding being a huge hit with Spanish beer drinkers. However, the crowded lager market in the UK meant they really needed to do something extra special to stand out, increase their perception as a brand and encourage more people to drink their beer ahead of their competitors.



Estrella Damm implemented a huge out of home advertising campaign, booking five blowUP media giant posters in the major cities of Birmingham, Bristol, London and Manchester, giving them coverage all across the country with a mixture of roadside and pedestrian traffic.



The bright red giant poster displayed a simple but effective message ‘created in Barcelona’ alongside a colourful mosaic beer bottle. The summery creative was designed to elicit a positive emotion between passers-by and the brand by rekindling thoughts of summer holidays in the sun.


Thanks to our very own Giant Poster research, we were able to see just how effective the Estrella OOH campaign was. We saw a 27% increase in brand perception increased across all metrics, suggesting the campaign was successful at increasing consumer purchase intentions. Recall for Estrella increased by 14% after seeing the ad, suggesting it is memorable. After exposure to the ad, consequently, when choosing a drink to purchase, 27% more people are choosing Estrella over their competitors.